strongest smelling bath and body works candles ranked


  1. To whom it may concern, I have loved candles for I don’t know how long so much that Opened a candle shop. At the time 1998, I was purchasing Candles from different companies in search of the strongest scented ones. I was lucky to find salt city candles. There votives, not lit would scent a room. Unfortunately they have since closed but I still search for them til this day. When I started buying candles from Bath and Bodyworks There were very few that I found to be highly scented. So every year I ask google the same question. What is Bath and body’s strongest smelling candles. In every year someone create a list. This year I stumbled across you and as a check your list the candle that I have been purchasing for years is only on your list but on any others that I’ve come across in the last 7 years atleast. The candle is called Boardwalk and it is very highly scented. The packaging has changed over the years many many times and seems to be mostly sold during the annual sales. I have given this candle to people they have given it back lol That’s how strong it is. So please purchase this candle and try it for yourself wouldn’t mind hearing your thought.

  2. Summer Boardwalk from Bath and Body Works is the second most far throw with Mahogany Teakwood Intense. Not sold regularly at stores , maybe spring because by june its a clearance scent . It has an awesome far reaching throw

  3. I would love to know some of the strongest smelling candles I order from Bath & Body Works but I need something even stronger sometimes thank you very much and I am a candle Junkie just like the rest of you!

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