

  1. Just wanted to give you a bit more information when it comes to the value. If it’s over a certain amount (don’t quote me, I think it’s 100 dollars) then what will happen is that you get a piece of jewelry like you ordered in your candle, along with a piece of paper that gives you a number to call, with information about the value and type of jewelry that they will send you in the mail. (So, for a random example, You’ve won a 1.0c Pink Sapphire Heart Necklace. Please call this number with this reference code).

    I love the candles myself so far. I personally find the scent much better then any others. To the point I can usually tell if someone in the house is burning a regular candle or a JIC one.

  2. Loved this review! Thanks for spotlighting JIC. We now have a line of candles with jewelry in them that can be appraised online. 🙂

  3. Love the idea of finding jewelry inside your candles…I had never heard of it before. It’s such a fun concept! Thanks so much for sharing at Share The Wealth Sunday!

  4. OH, wow. Potentially very luxurious and novel idea. Thanks for sharing it with us at SHARE IT 25, on Love having party with us and looking at your contribution. Hope to seeing you this coming weekend again! ~ Rose

  5. Thanks for the review. I never heard of this company before my daughter-in-law got into it. I was looking for a review just to see how valid the idea and company was. I will be ordering candles from her even through I don’t wear a lot of jewelry.

  6. I just visited the JIC website and there is an option to email them to have your jewelry appraised by uploading pictures of what you got in your candle and you get a response in 24-48 hours, according to their website. That is, as of, today June 15, 2016.

  7. JIC has amazing Candles, Tarts and Body Butter . Any jewelry worth over $200 will have a code to call to have them safely deliver your jewelery. There is currently no appraisal system for the jewelry under $200. Now every JIC product comes with a code along side your jewelry to enter online for prizes ☺

  8. Where do you enter the code for the current grand prize drawing at/ I can’t seem to find it on their website

  9. As a JIC rep, I just wanted to say Thank you for your RAVE review!! We, at JIC, greatly appreciate you looking into our candles, and we are ALWAYS willings to listen to our customers!!

    Also, we are constantly expanding our stock! We now have so much more to offer, and we do hope to see you again soon!

    As a rep, I DO NOT speak on behalf of the JIC corporation, I am speaking on behalf of myself, and my own PERSONAL business, AS a rep for JIC!! Since we are still a newer company, we appreciate you taking the time to review us, and our products, and if you, or anyone you know needs anything, dont hesitate to ask!!

  10. Just a FYI. They aren’t legal to sign up reps in most provinces in Canada since they aren’t licensed there. They are going through a bit of a scandal right now with the Alberta government.

  11. Jewelry candles are a beautiful and romantic gift for any occasion. Whether you want to give your mom a Valentine’s Day gift, your wife a Mother’s Day gift, or your girlfriend or wife an anniversary gift, a jewelry candle is perfect for all events. You can choose a jewelry candle based on the type of jewelry you want to give your loved one.

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