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How to Make Candles That Boost Mood and Clear the Mind

It seems like the uses for essential oils are endless. From aiding digestion and easing headaches to giving energy and helping in relaxation, there is an essential oil for every need.

A couple of the most common reasons to practice aromatherapy are to either boost mood or calm the mind. After all, we live in a busy world with many demands on us, especially emotionally. Many of us feel we could use a little assistance in feeling good and balanced.

Candle making of its own accord can bring a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. Not only is it both fun and easy, but the payoff at the end is very rewarding, especially when coupled with the benefits of aromatherapy!

Here are a few essential oil uses, candle making supplies, and a few easy DIY directions to follow so you can be successful in your candle making endeavor.

Essential Oils to Boost Mood and Calm the Mind

iStock 537472304 How to Make Candles That Boost Mood and Clear the Mind

Make your own essential oil candles using any of the following scents. Feel free even to mix and match according to your own preferences.

Read More: These are the best places we’ve found for buying candles online

Boost Mood

  • Clary Sage
  • Frankincense
  • Lemon
  • Peppermint
  • Orange
  • Rosemary
  • Ylang Ylang

Calm The Mind

  • Bergamot
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver

Gathering Candle Supplies

It can be quite aggravating to sit down to start a project…just to realize you are missing something you need. Aggravation is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve here, so make sure you have all your supplies before you are ready to begin.

These can all be purchased at your local craft store or online. If you prefer to buy a candle making kit instead, go for it! You will just want to have your chosen essential oils on hand.

  • Small glass jars with lids
  • Soy wax (this is the best type to use since it’s non-toxic)
  • Wick-centering tool
  • Candle wicks
  • Hot glue gun and stick
  • Large glass measuring cup
  • Stick to stir the wax (you will need to throw it away when you’re done)
  • Essential oils

Follow These Easy DIY Directions

iStock 692271456 How to Make Candles That Boost Mood and Clear the Mind

Making your own candles is an easy and fun DIY project that doesn’t take long to master. Just follow these simple instructions and you’ll be lighting your own candles and relaxing in no time.

1. Insert the wick. Place your wick centering tool over the mouth of a jar. Insert your wick into the center of the tool, make sure it’s straight, then attach it with a dab of hot glue.

2. Melt the wax. Put 3 cups of wax (the exact amount may vary depending on the size of your jar) into a glass measuring cup and microwave it in 30-second intervals, stirring it each time, until it is fully melted.

3. Add essential oils. Add 30-50 drops (depending on how strong you want the scent) of your favorite essential oil into the melted wax and stir.

4. Pour the wax. Very carefully (it’s hot!) pour your scented wax into the jar.

5. Wait. Let the wax harden overnight. If you place it in the fridge it will harden faster.

6. Trim the wick. Use scissors to cut the wick to ¼” above the wax.

7. Light the candle. Sit back and reap all the benefits of aromatherapy.

That’s it! Making your own candles with your favorite essential oil scents is a lovely way to both boost your mood and calm your mind. Enjoy!

About the Author: Brooke Cade is passionate about health and wellness. She enjoys writing about all the things she loves in life, including yoga, hydrotherapy, essential oils, and anything related to living life to its fullest. Brooke is a freelance writer who writes for a variety of organization including Nature’s Sunshine.

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