6 sensational diy candle ideas

6 Sensational DIY Candle Ideas!

Today we have some exciting tutorials to share with you!

Also check out: 14 Best Candles To Burn This Fall 2021

Fall is here and with it often comes more time indoors. What better way to spend that time than by doing some fun crafts?

Candle crafts can seem quite intimidating to those who have never tried them before, but with a little preparation they can actually be pretty simple, not to mention fun! We are not experts at making candles ourselves but we have done our fair share of candle making projects and I can tell you, it gets addicting once you start making a couple.

The best part is that after you are comfortable making your first few candles, you can put your own spin on your creations and really make them unique pieces that you are proud to show off.

Below are some great creations I found from some fellow bloggers recently. Clicking on any of the images or links will take you to the tutorial for that craft. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did! And if you find something that you really enjoyed, please head on over to their blog and leave them a comment 🙂

DIY Citronella Candle

DIY Citronella Candles – Caroline @ Burkatron.

First we have a guide from Caroline on how to make an easy citronella candle using real citronella oil. These candles not only look great but are helpful as well. Place some of these around the house in the summer months and keep those pesky bugs at bay!

DIY Man Candle

DIY Man Candle – Dominique @ The Crafted Blog

Next we have something for the masculine scent lovers out there. Dominique from The Crafted Blog put together this great DIY as a gift idea for the men out there. The candle is also made using a wood wick to give it the finishing touches.

DIY Pumpkin Spice Candle

DIY Pumpkin Spice Candle – Robin @ Masshole Mommy

Robin from Masshole Mommy put together this pumpkin spice candle tutorial just in time for fall. This one is for those pumpkin spice everything lovers out there. Show off your love for the season with a pumpkin spice candle that was made by you!

DIY Cinnamon Beeswax Candles

DIY Cinnamon Beeswax Candles – Julia @ Tag & Tibby

I really love the wooden vessels that Julia from Tag & Tibby used in her cinnamon beeswax candle tutorial. They look so good and she took amazing pictures to go along with it!

DIY Shark Infested Gel Candle

DIY Shark Infested Gel Candle – Jessica @ Living La Vida Holoka

With gel candles you can make themed displays within your candles! Check out this great tutorial done by Jessica at Living La Vida Holoka to learn how to did it yourself. Maybe you can add your own spin on this for Halloween??

DIY Chalk Marker Votives

DIY Chalk Marker Votives – Emma @ Gathering Beauty

This DIY from Emma at Gathering Beauty isn’t exactly for making candles but more for displaying candles. A big part of what we all like about candles is the way they look! This tutorial shows a great way to make unique votives with endless possibilities.

Have some candle ideas you’d like to share? Send us an email or get ahold of us on Facebook! We love featuring great candle projects from fellow candle lovers

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