how to burn scented candles guide - candle junkies

How to Burn Scented Candles the Right Way

If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated with candles that burn unevenly, release too little fragrance, or simply don’t last as long as you’d hoped, then this guide is for you.

Whether you’re a seasoned candle enthusiast or just lighting your first wick, you’ll find useful tips and tricks here that can elevate your candle-burning experience.

In today’s post, we’ll delve into the best practices for safety, maintenance, and even the initial burn that sets the stage for your candle’s entire lifespan.

It All Starts With Choosing the Right Scented Candle

When it comes to choosing the right scented candle for your home or occasion, the options may seem endless. Here’s how to narrow down your choices and find the perfect fit.

Types of Candles

Candles come in various materials, the most common being soy, paraffin, and beeswax. Each has its unique benefits and drawbacks. If you want an in-depth comparison of these materials, check out our article on different types of candle waxes.

The Mood-Boosting Power of Scents

The fragrance of a candle is not just a sensory experience; it can profoundly impact your mood and overall well-being. To understand how different fragrances can affect you, read our guide on how scents can influence your mood.

Seasonal Suggestions

Candles are a fantastic way to usher in the changing seasons. If you’re unsure which fragrances will best capture the essence of fall or winter, take a peek at our Fall and Winter Recommendation List.

Key Considerations

When choosing a scented candle, you’ll want to consider its duration, scent throw, and ingredients. For more guidance on what to look out for, refer to our guide on choosing the right candle for your space.

Candle Safety Precautions Should Never Be Overlooked

Before you even light that wick, it’s crucial to consider some basic safety guidelines.

Place your candle on a flat, heat-resistant surface away from flammable items like curtains, paper, and furniture. Never leave a burning candle unattended, and make sure it’s out of reach of drafts that could fan the flames or tip it over.

For a comprehensive set of safety tips, check out our complete guide on candle safety.

Optimizing the Important Initial Burn

Ah, the initial burn perhaps the most overlooked yet essential aspect of candle care.

Here’s why it’s crucial and how to make the most out of this inaugural light-up.

Why the First Burn Matters

When you first light your scented candle, you’re setting the stage for every subsequent burn. This first burn creates what is known as the “memory ring,” a wax pool that will determine how evenly your candle will melt in the future.

Failing to establish a good memory ring can result in a tunneling effect, where the candle burns down the middle, leaving unused wax on the sides.

How To Trim the Wick

Before you light your candle, ensure you trim the wick so it’s from 1/8 – 1/4 inch long. This will help it burn evenly and reduce any soot. Wick trimmers are ideal for this, but scissors can work in a pinch.

How To Light Your Candle

Use a long-reach lighter or electric arc lighter to light the wick, holding it until the flame is stable.

How To Create a Wax Pool

Let the candle burn long enough for the melted wax to reach the edge of the container.

This usually takes about 2 to 4 hours depending on the candle’s size and wax type. Refrain from extinguishing the candle until this pool forms, as doing so prematurely can create tunneling.

How Long To Burn Your Candle

In general, the first burn should last long enough to create an even wax pool, but not so long that the wick becomes a hazard or the scent dissipates. For most medium-sized candles, a burn time of 2 to 4 hours is ideal.

By paying attention to these essential steps during your candle’s initial burn, you’ll set the stage for an even, fragrant, and safe burning experience for the life of your scented candle.

Ongoing Candle Care and Maintenance For Optimal Burns

Scented candles are not a ‘light it and forget it’ affair. Proper care is key to enjoying a long-lasting, fragrant experience. This section is dedicated to making sure your candles stay in top condition.

Proper Wick Trimming

Regular wick trimming is essential for a cleaner and safer burn. Always aim to trim the wick to about 1/4 inch before lighting. This reduces soot and allows the candle to burn more evenly. You can use specialized wick trimmers or regular scissors, although the former is more precise.

Prevent Candle Tunneling

Tunneling occurs when your candle burns down the middle, leaving a ring of hard wax on the sides. This not only reduces the lifespan of your candle but also diminishes the scent throw over time. To avoid this common issue, always let the wax pool reach the edge of the container, especially during the initial burn. If tunneling does occur, check out our guide on preventing and fixing candle tunneling.

Know When To Stop

When you see about half an inch of wax left at the bottom of your candle container, it’s time to retire it. Continuing to burn a candle beyond this point increases the risk of the container cracking or the wick falling over, creating a fire hazard.

Tips for an Optimal Scent Experience

Getting the most out of your scented candle involves more than just lighting it.

Here are some expert tips for an unforgettable olfactory journey.

Pairing Different Candle Scents

Don’t limit yourself to just one fragrance; try pairing candles with complementary scents for a more complex aroma profile. For example, a lavender candle could be paired with a vanilla one for a comforting, layered scent.

Location, Location, Location

The place where you burn your candle can affect its performance. For instance, larger rooms require candles with a stronger scent throw, whereas smaller spaces do well with less potent candles. Also, avoid placing your candle near windows or fans, as drafts can cause it to burn unevenly.

Best Burn Time Per Session

How long you burn your candle can affect its lifespan and scent throw. For most medium-sized candles, keeping them lit for 3 to 4 hours at a time is ideal. Remember to let it cool and solidify before the next burn.

Extending Candle Longevity

To make your scented candles last longer, a few simple tricks can make all the difference. Here’s how you can extend the life of your treasured candles.

Using Lids When Not in Use

Always place the lid on your candle when it’s not burning. This prevents dust and debris from settling on the wax, keeping your candle clean and ensuring a better burn next time.

Storing Candles Properly

Store your candles in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and harsh temperatures. This helps maintain the candle’s color and scent potency.

Using a Candle Snuffer

Blowing out a candle can cause wax to splatter and generate smoke. Instead, use a candle snuffer for a cleaner, safer extinguishing process. Check out our candle snuffers recommendation article for some top picks.

Candle Burning Mistakes to Avoid

We’ve all made mistakes while burning candles, but the key is to learn from them. Here’s a quick rundown of common errors and how to correct them.

Quick List of Common Mistakes and How To Correct Them

  • Too Short/Long Burns: Stick to a 2-4 hour burn time for medium-sized candles.
  • Match & Lighter Residue From Failing To Ignite: Opt for long-reach lighters or USB electric lighters to light candles more easily.
  • Wick Length: Always trim the wick to around 1/8 – 1/4 inch before lighting.

Visual Styling Improvements For Your Candles

Yes, we all burn scented candles for the lovely fragrances, however, we also burn them because they look great and can tie a rooms decor together as well.

To get the most visual bang for your buck with candles you can use candle holders that compliment your rooms stylings and additional tealight candles that are strategically placed to create a cozy ambiance.

If you want some additional decor ideas with candles, be sure to check out the visual guide we did on boho decor ideas and how to enhance them using candles.

How do you stop a candle from tunneling?

Prevent tunneling by letting the candle burn long enough to create an even melt pool that reaches the edge of the container during the first burn. For a more detailed guide read this blog post.

Are you supposed to let a candle burn all the way?

No, you shouldn’t let a candle burn all the way down. Always leave at least half an inch of wax at the bottom to avoid overheating the container or causing a fire hazard.

Should I let my candle burn to the edge?

Yes, let your candle burn until the melt pool reaches the edge of the container. This ensures an even burn and maximizes the candle’s lifespan.

Why shouldn’t you burn a candle for more than 5 hours?

Burning a candle for more than 5 hours can lead to a long, carbonized wick, which increases the likelihood of soot production and a higher, unsafe flame. It can also overheat the container.

Benefits of Proper Candle Care

The simple act of burning a scented candle can transform your space into a sanctuary.

But as we’ve shown, there’s a right way to go about it. Proper candle care isn’t just about making your candles last longer it’s about elevating your entire candle-burning experience.

By following the guidelines laid out in this comprehensive guide, you’ll enjoy stronger scents, cleaner burns, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re taking all the necessary safety precautions.

So go ahead, light that wick, and bask in it’s coziness.

Additional Resources: Your Go-To List for All Things Candle

While this guide is a great start, there’s always more to learn and explore in the aromatic world of candles. Here are some resources to help you dive even deeper.

Trusted Candle Brands

When it comes to quality, not all candles are created equal. I buy some brands that I like on occasion but don’t always seem to be consistent, while other brands that I buy always seem to be consistent and good quality, while some just always seem to have issues. The brands below are some of the most consistent candle brands that I’ve found in terms of quality and overall great scents as of the last while. (This is only my opinion of course!)

Luxury Price Range Brands:


D.S. & Durga

Affordable Luxury Price Range:



Malin & Goetz

Harlem Candle Co.

Budget Price Range:


Jewelscent (technically a jewelry candle brand but the candles themselves are excellent)

Obviously these are just some of my top picks, but you can find other brands that I love across this blog in various posts. If you want some more recommendations check out this recent post on my favorite luxury candle brands or this one on the strongest smelling candle brands.

DIY Candle-Making Guides

If you’re interested in creating your own scents or simply want to know more about the candle-making process, there are numerous DIY guides available.

Here are some good ones:

How to make scented candles in 8 easy steps

How to make scented candles from any container you have on hand

25 DIY scented candles you can make at home

How to make layered Halloween candles

Soy candle making as meditation

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