Ranking Our 10 Favorite Diptyque Candles

Ranking Our 10 Favorite Diptyque Candles

It’s no secret that Diptyque creates some of the most luxurious smelling candles around. Their candles are often imitated but rarely matched. These candles have become status symbols. It’s so strange, but just owning one of these candles makes you feel fancy. That feeling of fanciness and elegance comes with a price, however. These candles…

5 Candles That Accurately Smell Like Campfire

5 Candles That Accurately Smell Like Campfire

Ever miss that intoxicating scent of a crackling campfire? Yearn no more! We’re back with our favorite campfire scented candles. Get ready to transform your space into a cozy, outdoorsy retreat without packing a single camping gear. From that distinct smoky aroma to the sweet whisper of toasted marshmallows, we’ve got a lineup of candles that’ll take your senses on a wilderness adventure! So, pull up a chair and stick around. Let’s bring the outdoors indoors, one flickering flame at a time. Stay tuned, campfire fans!

14 Beautiful Gold Taper Candle Holders

14 Beautiful Gold Taper Candle Holders

When imagining dignified libraries and magnificent feasts, gold taper candle holders are one of the first features to come to mind.  Their classic shape and alluring material establish a strong foundation for design variations and artistic choices that make this type of candle holder both varied and conventional.  For your next family dinner or living…

10 Mercury Glass Candle Holders That Bring Style To Any Interior

10 Mercury Glass Candle Holders That Bring Style To Any Interior

A stunning home deserves a little extra pizzazz to make it stand out in style. With plenty of dazzling candle holders available online, it’s easy to craft a memorable, elegant room. Check out this quick list of mercury glass candle holders to decide exactly how to boost your home’s decor to the next level. Silver…