Candle Junkies Blog Update #001
Hey Candle Junkies!
I hope everyone is enjoying the first few weeks of summer. While it may be a slow season for candles to some.. we will be kicking things up into high gear for our candle reviews. If you have been watching our Instagram page at all, you will have noticed that we have quite the stock of new candles which we have and we will be trying to review all of them as fast as we can. In addition to loads of new reviews and articles we are also pleased to announce that we will be adding reader reviews to each of our candle reviews! While we try and be as unbiased as we can with all of our reviews, we understand that everyone has their own opinions. And well, the more opinions you have to go by the better! All of our new reviews will have the feature integrated when they go live and we will continue adding it into our older reviews asap. So if you have tried one of the candles that we have reviewed, PLEASE go visit the page and give your opinion.
As the site grows and as we become more aware of what our readers would like to see on the blog we are going to be needing to make changes to how the blog works and the features it has. We constantly get emails asking for recommendations on specific candles that we think are the best from a variety of brands out there. While we try to get as many individual reviews up as possible, this blog is currently done by two people and there are thousands of candles out there!! To help make things easier for us and for you, our amazing readers, we have added new ‘best of’ sections which will be divided into a few different categories hopefully covering most types of candles out there. These pages will be consistently added to with our favorite individual candles, in an easy to view format. You can check it out now by clicking on our “Best Candles” tab from the menu at the top of the page.
As always, send us an email, message us on Facebook, or just leave a comment here and let us know what you would like to see more or less of on the blog!