best cereal scented candles - candle junkies

Candle Junkies Favorite Cereal Scented Candles (Milky Candle Goodness)

Okay, so who hasn’t opened up a fresh box of cereal and kind of wished there was a cereal scented candle that would capture that delicious smell? To be honest, I haven’t either.. but I do like sugary and sweet candle scents!

So that is what we are going to cover on the blog today!

These are the best cereal scented candles that you can buy, and if you don’t agree with me… well then I guess you have a right to your own opinion.

1. Sunday Morning Cereal – Homeworx by Slatkin & Co.

(4.7. / 5)

best cereal candles sunday morning cereal - homeworx - candle junkies blog

One of my absolute favorite picks when it comes to candles that smell like cereal is by none other than the great minds behind the old Slatkin & Co. candles: Homeworx.

Sunday Morning Cereal is a highly potent fruit loop scented candle that somehow still manages to not be to over-the-top with its sweetness.

This is a great candle but it burns quickly due to it’s 4 wicks (yes, 4). Thankfully it is one of the cheapest candles on this list so you can keep pumping your home with cereal scented goodness at a relatively good price.

Price: $

Cereal Scent Authenticity (Fruit Loops): 4.5/5

2. Saturday Cartoons – Dio Candle Co.

(4.7 / 5)

best cereal candles saturday cartoons - dio candles - candle junkies

Dio Candles are experts at making unique candle scents, so of course they are going to have a good candle that smells like cereal.

Saturday Cartoons is that candle, and it gets the scent notes down pretty great, even that extra subtle milky fragrance to go along with it all. It’s a little bit pricey, but I like it!

Note: Dio Candles recently made it onto our blog post on petrichor candles as well. So if you are looking for some good smelling candles with the scent of fresh rain on earth, be sure to check that one out.

Price: $$$

Cereal Scent Authenticity (Fruit Loops): 4.5/5

3. Fruity Loops Bowl Candle – Candlelit Desserts

(4.0 / 5)

best cereal candles cereal bowl - candle junkies

Now I had to give you Amazon shoppers an option as well, and I think this option will suite you well.

It’s a highly fragrant breakfast cereal scented candle that has the added bonus of visually looking like a bowl of Fruit Loops cereal as well. Great candles for Christmas gifts if I do say so myself.

I found this one to have a bit of an artificially smell to it but I’ll let you be the judge of that for yourself.

Price: $$

Cereal Scent Authenticity (Fruit Loops): 3/5

4. Cereal Candle – Mala The Brand

(4.0 / 5)

best cereal candles mala cereal candle - candle junkies

This candle from Mala The Brand uses a wooden wick in their candle which I must admit, I am a fan of.

It smells great, and captures scent of cereal quite well. The only thing holding it back in my opinion is the price. This candle is quite small for the price that you pay, so I can’t really say that it is the best value of these candles.

Price: $$$$

Cereal Scent Authenticity (Fruit Loops): 3.5/5

5. After School Cartoons – Grizzly Candles

(4.7 / 5)

best cereal candles after school cartoons grizzly - candle junkies

I couldn’t do a cereal scented candle list with only fruit loops scented candles could I?

And it’s such a gooder! If you love the smell of your coco puffs cereal in the morning you are going to love this candle. This one does an excellent job of matching the scent and is just lovely.

Price: $

Cereal Scent Authenticity (Coco Puffs): 5/5

Did You Enjoy This Post? Please Let Us Know In The Comments!

Whether you’re a Fruit Loops devotee or a Coco Puffs fan, I hope you enjoyed the picks and found something that will tickle your fancy.

Which do you think is the best? Have you tried better? Let me know in the comments below! Oh and share this blog post on your social media please, it helps us out a ton!