candle wand review

Candle Wand Review

Today for review, we have a tool that’s goal is to help bring new life back to old worn out pillar candles. The Candle Wand as it’s called is a product that is designed to make it easier for people to essentially cut their pillar candle in half, giving it a resurfaced top that is free from burn marks, sunken wicks etc.

candle wand review
The Candle Wand

As soon as you take the Candle Wand out of its packaging you will see its resemblance to a curling iron. The wand has a simple on/off switch that when set to ‘on’, allows the flat blade to heat up to a steady 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature allows you to melt through the wax without burning it and potentially release smoke.

Initial Thoughts:

The Candle Wands build quality is pretty impressive. You may not necessarily use this product often but it feels like you most definitely could. The hand grip for the wand is sturdy and feels ergonomic, with a guard covering the hand from the melted wax that could drip down when using it. The spot where the cord is attached to the back is able to rotate freely, which allows the cord itself to fall flat no matter which way you are holding the wand.

candle wand review

Prepping and Trying It Out:

While the instructions say to lay out newspaper to cut the candle on, I didn’t have any on hand so I stacked up a good amount of paper towel to lay under the candle. In hindsight, I would have spread the paper towel out more than I did in the pictures. I underestimated how much wax will actually drip from cutting a candle in half.

candle wand review

We turned the wand on and it took no time at all to heat up. Literally 45 seconds, and it was already very hot. The instructions say that it should take 4 – 5 minutes to entirely cut through a candle. This, of course, depends on the size of the candle but it is good to have an idea.

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candle wand review

The cutting itself was easy and actually kind of fun. We didn’t need to apply any pressure (nor are you supposed to) and the blade just slowly just sank into the wax. The blade is thicker on the back end so the amount of wax melted was actually much more than we expected so be sure to use lots of newspaper. At about the halfway point we rotated the candle to try and avoid the wick until the end and kept trying to make an even cut. It was somewhat difficult to keep a straight line but thankfully the wand is so hot you can just sculpt the edge as you are going. The whole process only took about 3 minutes which was shorter than we were expecting.

And Voila! A pillar candle that looks like new!

candle wand review

The candle wand takes a fair bit longer to cool down than it does to heat up so just keep that in mind at the end.

Another thing to note was once the candle was completely cut and we snipped the wick we had barely any wick showing to light it. You could shave away a little bit with a butter knife but we had one of those long necked bic lighters, so we just held the flame on the wick until it melted enough wax away that it was able to light up.

candle wand review

Final Thoughts:

So overall, cutting through a pillar candle with this hot wand is much easier than it would be if you used a knife (much safer as well). It only took a few minutes to do from start to finish and went very smoothly. There was a minor hiccup in the process here and there but that was mostly bad planning on my part. I should have used newspaper and I should have spread it out a bit more.

If you are the type of person who wants to get the most of their candles and you were thinking of trying to cut a candle or something like that than I HIGHLY recommend this product for you.

If you use pillar candles around the home often, than I think this is a good thing to have around to ensure you get the most out of them.

At only around $9(MSRP at time of this writing) the candle wand is a good value product. For some that may not be candle fanatics, it might be a little unnecessary to have sitting around the house, but it is very good at what it claims to do.