how to reuse candle jars

How To Clean And Reuse A Candle Jar

Hey there, fellow candle lovers!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably got a collection of candle jars stashed away, waiting for a new lease on life. Some are too pretty to toss, especially from those luxury candle brands, am I right??

So, why not clean them up and give them a second chance at greatness?

Follow this simple step by step guide where I’ll show you how!

How To Remove Leftover Candle Wax From A Jar To Repurpose

Step 1: Getting That Leftover Wax Out!

frozen candle wax in jar
Image courtesy of Pinterest

First thing’s first, pop those jars in the freezer for a couple of hours.

It makes the remaining wax shrink, so you can then easily scrape it out with a butter knife.

No fuss, no mess!

Step 2: Time to Give The Jar a Bubble Bath

Once the wax is out, grab some dish soap and warm water, and give that jar a nice scrub.

Make sure you get into all those nooks and crannies. Remember, a sparkling clean jar is a pretty jar!

Step 3: Rinse and Dry the Jar

A quick rinse, and you’re done!

Just leave the jar to air dry, and you’re ready to get creative.

Creative Ideas for Reusing Candle Jars

Now that you’ve got these clean jars, the sky’s the limit!

Here are some of my favorite repurposing ideas:

  • A Mini Garden: Plant some succulents or herbs. It’ll brighten up your space in no time!
  • Bathroom Organizer: Great for Q-tips, cotton balls, or even bath salts.
  • Sweet Treat Jar: Fill it with candies or cookies. It’ll be a hit at your next gathering.
  • Pencil Jar: Make it into a new pencil or pen holder for your office.

Want some more great ideas? Check out the following blog posts on repurposing candle jars from fellow bloggers!

Aunt Peaches Repurposing Candle Jars Guide

7 Easy Ways To Upcycle Candle Jars by The Honest Consumer

50+ Ways To Reuse Candle Jars by Life N Reflection blog

10 Clever Ways To Upcycle Your Candle Jars by Swoonworthy

Cleaning Up

So there you have it, friends!

Cleaning and reusing candle jars is easier than you think. And the best part?

You get to personalize them however you like.

Next time you burn through a candle, think twice before tossing that jar. With just a little effort, you can turn it into something special.

And if you come up with your own amazing ideas, I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

Happy repurposing! 🕯️