20160131 123814

How Can There Be A $5000 Ring In A Candle?

“There isn’t actually a $5000 ring in a candle. It’s a scam.”

This is usually the first thing you hear when someone is first told about ring candles.

“How would they make any money if you can buy the candles for 25 bucks?”

We’ve all heard it. There is so much skepticism surrounding these candles, and rightfully so to a point. It does seem a little too good to be true at first glance.

How They Can Afford To Put A $5000 Ring In A Candle

First of all, finding a ring worth upwards of that amount of money is pretty rare. Compare it to buying a scratch ticket and winning that amount of money. Through all the money that is generated between people not winning anything, or winning smaller prizes, the lottery can afford to give out larger prizes and still make a profit.

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The same thing goes for ring candles. Most of the rings which you will find in these candles are costume jewelry which ranges in value from $10 – $100 commonly. A select few will get lucky and uncover a big prize and of course taking that chance is where the fun comes from!

Of course, many people will also be wondering still:

“How can they afford to give out a candle as well as rings that can somewhat often value close to one hundred dollars?”

This question mostly comes down to the buying power of the ring candle brands. Much like a company such as Costco does, companies like Fragrant Jewels buy rings in bulk which allows them to get a cheaper price for buying in such high quantities at once. This savings is then passed on to you in the form of the prizes you can find inside of the candles.

Secret and Scents Rings
A couple of the rings found in Secret and Scents candles

You may have read articles online such as the one on Jezebel about these candles being scammy. It’s not a very accurate word to describe them though. The candle companies are pretty clear about telling you what you are buying and aren’t lying with their claims. At first glance it may seem so, but a little research will explain it. That is just one opinion though, and everyone has the right to state theirs’.  Some will find buying a ring candle to be a fun surprise or a great gift idea and others would rather just stick to regular candles.

We tend to enjoy ring candles and if you agree, be sure to check out our guide of the top picks for ring candles out currently!

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One Comment

  1. Your blog post on how there can be a $5,000 ring in a candle is intriguing and informative. The explanation of the process and the assurance of authenticity provide valuable insights into the possibility of finding such a valuable item. Thank you for shedding light on this fascinating aspect of ring candles.

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